2JCIE-BL Environment Sensor
Temperature:−10 to 60°C
Humidity:30 to 85%RH
Light:10 to 2000 lx
pressure:700 to 1,100 hPa
Sound noise:37 to 89 dB
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2JCIE-BL Environment Sensor price is available in sensotec website. 2JCIE BL Sensor Sense a variety of environmental information.
2JCIE BL Features:
Temperature:−10 to 60°C
Humidity:30 to 85%RH
Light:10 to 2000 lx
pressure:700 to 1,100 hPa
Sound noise:37 to 89 dB
Based on BluetoothR low energy
Sensor beacon can simplify the deployment
Embedded memory for data logging can keep track of surrounding environments