Web server OZW772… allows for remote plant control and monitoring via the web. Four versions of the web server OZW772 are available:
To connect 1, 4, 16, or 250 KNX devices from Synco 700, Synco RXB/RXL, RDG/RDF/RDU room thermostats, and the QAX9… Synco living central apartment units.
OZW 772 Features:
Operate web browser via PC/laptop or Smartphone.
Connections: USB and Ethernet.
Display fault messages in the web browser.
Send fault messages to a maximum of 4 e-mail recipients.
Periodically send system reports to e-mail recipients.
Visualize the plants in the web browser based on standard plant diagrams and customized plant web pages.
Acquire and display consumption data.
Send consumption data file to 2 email recipients.
Encrypted with https and TLS for emails.