Products tagged with 'lutron'
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power measuremen,: max. value up to 10,000 watt
ACA :600 A max. range
DC voltage 200 V
AC voltage 600 V
OHMS 2 k ohm
Range : 200/2,000 A, DC/AC
Output : 4 to 20 mA.
:Measurement & Resolution
AC 200 mA x 0.1 mA, AC 20 A x 0.01 A, AC 200A x 0.1 A.
Conductor Size: 19 mm Dia
High precision mA leakage measurement.
ACA 40 mA x 0.01 mA
ACA 400 mA x 0.1 mA
ACA 40 A, 120 A.