Products tagged with 'lutron'
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DC/AC Voltage:200 mV/2/20/200/600 V
DC/AC Current:200uA/2m/20m/200m/10A
Resistance:200/2k/20k/200k/2M/20M ohm
hfe transistor:0-1000 hFE, NPN/PNP
input Impedance:10 M ohm
DC/AC Voltage:200 mV/2/20/200/600 V
DC/AC Current:200uA/2m/20m/200m/10A
Resistance:200/2k/20k/200k/2M/20M ohm
temperature:-20℃ to 750℃
max current:10 A
max voltage:1000V
max resistance:40 M ohm
4,000 counts
400 uA - 400 mA small direct current input
ACA:2000A, 400A, DCA:2000A, 400A