Temperature and humidity transmitter
Humidity Transmitters and Ambient Temperature The HT83 has either a voltage or current analog output with RS485 serial port and MODBUS / RTU protocol for measuring humidity and ambient temperature. This machine is manufactured by Knowledge Based Engineering Company of Hiwiar Instruments and has one year warranty and five years after-sales service. The temperature and humidity sensor is manufactured by the Swiss company SHT11. The accuracy of the measurement is 3% humidity and 1 ±C. This machine is used for air conditioning of server room, warehouse, etc. The power of this transmitter is 24VDC.
Technical Specifications of Temperature and Ambient Humidity Transmitters:
MODBUS / RTU-RS485 communication protocol
Shipping rates 2400-57600
Parity None, Odd, Even
Analog output voltage 0,5 / 10V or 10/4 / 20mA
Analog output response time 100ms
Environmental conditions:
Operating temperature -20 ~ 70 degrees Celsius
Humidity 30 to 95%
Length × Width × Height 127 × 70 × 52 mm
Weight 300 grams